
Sineh Ngimet Ayu discusses the tradition of making longhouses in the Kelabit language. The recording was made in Bario on 10th February 2019.

Audio file

00:00:01uih, ngadan kudih Bued Aren
my name is Bued Aren

00:00:06uih la' mala si'it lem ayu' adet Kelabit
I'd like to say a bit about the Kelabit traditions

00:00:13lem keli' kudih malem ih
that I know

00:00:15lem ayu' adet Kelabit lem kampung, lem bawang
about Kelabit traditions in the village, in our area

00:00:22ideh naru' ruma', naru' ruma' kadang
they made houses, longhouses

00:00:27naru' ruma' kadang lun merar malem
our elders made longhouses

00:00:30ngalap kayuh nideh
they got wood

00:00:33pengeh ngalap wey nideh
then they got rattan

00:00:36pengeh ineh neh, ngalap mey ngalap da'un kenangan
after that they collected kenangan leaves

00:00:42tu'en deh nerut
and stitched them together

00:00:44kereng da'un kenangan ineh neh
when the kenangan leaves have wilted

00:00:48dih tideh kereb naru' ruma'
then they start building the house

00:00:52kineh tu'en lun merar malem, ridtu' ineh malem
that's what our elders used to do, in the old days

00:00:57kuayu' ideh naru' ruma' peh
and when they made houses

00:00:59am idih kuayu' ruma' tetep kuayu' inih
it wasn't in a fixed place like today

00:01:02medting limeh laak keh
after five years or so

00:01:05mudut deh dteh ruma' beruh
they build another house

00:01:09kadi' am men kayuh ih doo' kereb dadan
because the wood didn't last long

00:01:14kineh teh kuayu' wey nuk pengabet deh
same goes for the rattan that they tied it with

00:01:18kayuh ih peh, na'am tideh kereb dadan
and the wood as well, it doesn't last that long

00:01:20kadi' nidih paad limeh laak keh
so after five years

00:01:23epat laak kuayu' ineh ih
or four years

00:01:25bubuh nideh edteh kanan
they move somewhere else

00:01:27suk inan lun merar malem ih doo' pian naru' ruma' kadang meto'
something our elders really liked about making longhouses

00:01:34kinayu' teh adet deh let ngilad-ngilad
that was their way from long ago

00:01:37ngen tetepuh dedih malem
from their grandparents

00:01:39kadi' nideh doo' keli' naru' kineh meto'
so that's how they knew how to do it

00:01:42ideh doo' pian la' naru' ruma' kadang
they really liked to make longhouses

00:01:45doo' pekatu
because it was very neighbourly

00:01:47doo' neh, nganeh neh, doo' neh peruyud deh
it's good, and the reason is, because there is unity

00:01:53enun-enun peh kerja tu'en deh
whatever job they are doing

00:01:55memang deh pekaruh
they discuss it

00:01:58mala ngen edteh burur, ngen edteh burur, kuayu' inih
they inform one another, like that

00:02:01dih tideh doo' keli' kuayu' mey naru' kerja peruyud
then they know that they have work to do together

00:02:06kerja peruyud, kerja peruyung
it's called "kerja peruyud" or "kerja peruyung"

00:02:09kinih keyh, kerja sama nih belaan dulun kinih
but today some people call it "kerja sama"

00:02:13ideh doo' paad kerja meto'
they also work equally together

00:02:21edteh beruh kuayu' ideh doo' pian la' naru' ruma' kadang
another reason they liked to build longhouses

00:02:29beken men ibal lubang ruma' ih meto'
some families are different

00:02:33na'am teh nuk inan doo' paad ih, kuayu' ineh ih
they don't get along

00:02:38ruma' kadang ataupun edteh lubang ruma' nuk na'am doo' paad
the whole long house or one family are not getting along

00:02:43pekedaluh peh diweh keh
maybe they are fighting

00:02:45kereb teh dulun kekeli' ngilang deh, kuayu' ineh ih
then other people can stop them

00:02:50tak ideh ruma' kadang... nga' na'am ruma' kadang ih
if they are a longhouse... if there isn't a longhouse

00:02:56tak deh pekedaluh
if they fight

00:02:57am lemulun keli'-keli' narih enun tu'en diweh
no-one knows what they are doing

00:03:01sebuleng men diweh
they are on their own

00:03:02na'am nuk ngilang diweh
so no-one can stop them

00:03:03inih edteh adet lun merar malem
that's a tradition of our elders in the past

00:03:07doo' pian naru' ruma' kadang
they liked making longhouses

00:03:10edteh beruhman kuayu' lun merar malem, ruma' kadang
another thing about our elders, and longhouses

00:03:16doo' muneng ngi tetel teh inan deh rudap
they slept nice and close to the fireplace

00:03:21am men nideh mo inan tarub kuayu' tauh kinih
they didn't have mats like we do now

00:03:25kuayu' inan selimut ih
or blankets

00:03:28epin ih teh tu'en deh ko' tarub, tarub si'er kah
they used a mat as a blanket, a reed mat

00:03:33enun kuayu' ineh teh tarub deh iring tetel ih ngilad
they used something like that as a blanket near the fireplace

00:03:37edteh man, ideh doo' paad
another thing, they got along well

00:03:42peh-peh peh nuk midih dedih na'an neh
whatever they had

00:03:45kuayu' ba'o dedih
like their beads

00:03:46neh tidih tu'en deh udtang ngi ruma' dedih
they would hang them in the house

00:03:50am lemulun giwen ngen idih
no-one messed around with them

00:03:52kuayu' nuk midih dedih ngi lepad ruma' dedih
like the things at the edge of their houses

00:03:58teh midteh ih peruyung teh kuayu' sapa' dedih keh, enun dedih
somethimes their shirts or whatever were together

00:04:02ngi ena', ngi erang padung, erang nuk inan deh rudap ih
between the raised platforms where they slept

00:04:09peruyung keli' kedieh teh dieh ih keyh
even together, they know what belongs to them

00:04:12ieh teh ngalap dieh
so they pick up their own

00:04:13kuayu' ineh adet lun merar malem
that was the tradition of our elders

00:04:16doo', doo' ketuh tideh
they were really good

00:04:18am deh la' kasau-kasau nuk midih lun beken
they didn't mess around with other people's belongings

00:04:21neh dieh ih, neh neh dieh ih
that was his and that was his

00:04:23am deh keli' kasau nuk midih lun beken
they didn't even think about disturbing other people's things

00:04:27kuayu' nuk kuwan kudih
as I said

00:04:29enun-enun, kuayu' ba'o dedih keh, enun
anything, like their beads or whatever

00:04:32tu'en deh udtang ngi ruma' ih tidih
they hung it in the house

00:04:35mey pideh lema'ud
even if they went to work

00:04:36neh teh nuk midih sineh ngineh
they left their things there

00:04:38am lemulun giwen ngen idih
no-one messed around with it

00:04:40neh doo' lun merar malem
that was a good thing about our elders

00:04:43neh dideh ulun ih malem
that was their way of life before

00:04:46am nuk giwen-giwen
no-one stole