iAsai & iTin Berene

Tagal Paran tells the story of Asai and Tin Berene in the Ba Kelalan dialect of Lun Bawang. The story goes that Tin Berene shaped and flattened the land, whilst Asai made the rivers. At the beginning, they had lots of energy and made the earth nice and flat, but by the time they got to Borneo they were tired. This is why there are lots of mountains and streams on the island of Borneo. The story was recorded in Buduk Nur on 21st February 2019.

Video file

00:00:01inan eceh cerita lun merar tau maun nilad keleh
There is a story that our elders told in the past

00:00:07cerita' deh inan dueh lemulun
According to them there were two people

00:00:13mungkin lek, dingdiruh diweh lek
probably they were a married couple

00:00:16ceh delai dih, iAsai
the man was called Asai

00:00:19ceh decur dih, Tin Berene
the woman was called Tin Berene

00:00:22maya' buri' deh lun merar
according to the elders

00:00:26iAsai ne' nabang efa'
Asai made the rivers

00:00:29iTin Berene ne' napi' tana'
Tin Berene flattened the earth

00:00:34buri' deh
they said

00:00:36puun-puun diweh nemudut tana' nih
the first time they made the earth

00:00:40rat nge' bawang mado diweh atun
they started from places far away

00:00:45rat kudeng dei' America
like America

00:00:48rat kudeng dei' England
or England

00:00:49kudeng bawang-bawang luk mebelad
places that are flat

00:00:54mebelad tana' deh
where the land is flat

00:00:56doo' pudut bawang deh
and the villages are beautiful

00:00:59kayuh-kayuh luk mulun bawang deh, dari-dari
and all the trees that grow there are short

00:01:04na ieh kayuh kudeng bawang tau tunge' lun Sarawak
not like the trees here in Sarawak

00:01:10bawang tau lun dayeh
like in our interior villages

00:01:11kudeng neh
like that

00:01:13buri' deh iTin Berene ne' napi' tana'
they said that Tin Berene went to flatten the land

00:01:17kereb ieh napi' tana' nih
when she was flattening the land

00:01:19napi' dih pieh bang bala tau Lun Bawang
as for the word "napi'" in Lun Bawang

00:01:23ayu' remerar tau maun
like our elders

00:01:25ideh mudut kuden
they make cooking pots

00:01:27kereb deh napi' kuden kedeh
when they "napi'" cooking pots

00:01:30ngalap tana' dih, dih deh napi' dih
they get the soil and then they mould it

00:01:33dengan sebuleng kayuh
with a piece of wood

00:01:35ruen deh mudut kayuh sineh
they make that stick by hand

00:01:37tapi' ngadan sineh
and they call it "tapi'"

00:01:38ruen deh mudut kayuh sineh peh
so they make that stick

00:01:41doo' raan ieh
it's nice and light

00:01:42inan deh napi'-napi', mefet-mefet teh tana' dih ke'
and they use it to flatten the ground, to hit the ground repeatedly

00:01:46napi' ngadan sineh
they call that action "napi'"

00:01:47mefet-mefet tana' dih
hitting the ground

00:01:49dih tana' dih mebelad
so then the ground is flat

00:01:51pian pideh naru' dih teburur
if they want to make it round

00:01:53naru' dih teburur
then they make it round

00:01:54pian mesenang deh mudut tana' dih leh
they want to make it easy to make the earth

00:01:57iTin Berene dih mudut tana'
Tin Berene makes the earth

00:02:01dih ieh napi'-napi' tana' dih
then she shapes it

00:02:04inan luk ruen ieh mebelad
there are some bits that she makes flat

00:02:05inan luk ruen ieh tebuduk
there are bits that are bumpy

00:02:08inan nuk melubang
and some bits have holes

00:02:11iAsai dih nabang fa'
Asai made the rivers

00:02:14pengeh iTin Berene mudut tana' dih peh
after Tin Berene has made the earth

00:02:18dih iAsai nabang fa' nih peh
then Asai made the river bed

00:02:21naru' inan fa' manud lah
makes a place for the rivers to flow

00:02:23buri' deh diweh ne' mudut rat bawang rayeh
they said that they started from big places

00:02:28rat dei' England, Australia, bawang luk doo' belad
from England, Australia

00:02:31bawang luk doo' belad
places that are flat

00:02:33pengeh diweh nemudut range' peh
after they had finished making those places

00:02:35me' diweh tunge' Borneo
then they came here to Borneo

00:02:37tunge' Borneo nih, nier tau tunge'
here in Borneo, we can see

00:02:41mula' pegkung
lots of mountains

00:02:42inan fa' arur-arur
and streams

00:02:44bawang tau nih
our villages

00:02:46mikup ketauh, mikup
they are covered in mist

00:02:50merita' pegkiung
there are high mountains

00:02:51idih fa' dih manud lapad-lapad pegkiung nih
and the rivers cut through the mountains

that one

00:02:57kereb diweh mecing tunge' bang Borneo peh
when they came to Borneo

00:02:59merur diweh peh
they were already tired

00:03:00merur diweh peh
they were already tired

00:03:02iTin Berene nih na... na ieh metueh
Tin Berene was not as strong

00:03:07kudeng ieh kerja dei' bawang beken
as when she was working in other places

00:03:09dih ieh naru' tad neh napi'-napi' tana' nih peh
and then she did like that and flattened the earth

00:03:12mudut tana' nih, merita'-merita'
moulded the earth high

00:03:15na mepudut idih mebelad kudeng ieh kerja puun-puun
she wasn't able to flatten it like her work in the beginning

00:03:19ineh puun neh mula' pegkung-pegkung tunge' Borneo
that's why there are many mountains here in Borneo

00:03:23pegkung luk medita'
high mountains

00:03:25iAsai pun merur tineh neh
Asai also started to get tired

00:03:27kian mungkin ieh makai enun keh kereb dih
I have no idea what he was using at that time

00:03:31merur ieh peh
but when he got tired

00:03:33dih ieh namid-namid tana' nih peh
he stamped his feet onto the ground

00:03:35dih ieh namid selipa, namid selipa peh
stamped here, stamped there

00:03:38ineh ilung neh fa' sineh peh
and those spots became the rivers

00:03:41jadi luk tinamid iAsai nih peh
so the earth which Asai stamped on

00:03:43fa' manud maya' bawang neh peh
the rivers flowed through those places

00:03:45neh luk belain tau arur keh atau fa' rayeh keh luk manud
that's what we call streams or big rivers that flow

00:03:50inan ngadan bang nekinih peh
and today there are names

00:03:52anid-anid efa' luk bang bawang tau Borneo
for every river in Borneo

00:03:56Sabah, Sarawak
in Sabah and Sarawak.

00:03:58inan meh ngadan fa'
for every river that has a name

00:04:00arur-arur deh inan ngadan
for every stream that has a name

00:04:02buri' duwa' merar pem
the elders say

that one

00:04:06iAsai nengabang sineh buri' deh
Asai built that, they say

00:04:10inan pegkung-pegkung
if there are mountains

00:04:12inan surud-surud luk dita'
if there are high hills

00:04:13inan luk beneh
if there are low hills

00:04:14ineh, tinapi' Tin Berene sineh, buri' deh
that one, they say that Tin Berene made that

00:04:18ineh cerita lun merar leh
that's the story of our elders

00:04:20na inan buku sineh sen
this one is not written in a book

00:04:22a uih ninger
I have not heard so

00:04:24mecing nekinih pun, cerita neh
until now this story

00:04:26mula' lun ninger cerita lun merar maun
there are many people who heard this story from the elders

00:04:29kudeng neh luk uih ninger
that's what I heard

00:04:32cerita sinih, cerita metuu keh, na metuu
this story could be true or not

00:04:36jadi kudeng tauh ngerawe nekinih pun
but if we think about it now

00:04:38keli' tau ayu'-ayu' neh
we know in actual fact

00:04:40beken iAsai, beken iBerene nemudut tana' nih
it wasn't Asai and Tin Berene who made the earth

00:04:44Tuhan nemudut dih peh
it was God who made the earth