Palug Rayeh & Palug I'it Fetch Rice

Florance Lapu Apu tells Sineh Nu'uh Ulun the story of Palug Rayeh and Palug I'it in the Bario/Pa Main dialect of Kelabit. Among other mishaps, this story is about how the younger brother tricks the older brother by hiding inside a basket and instructing him to carry it home from the rice hut. The story was recorded in Bario on 11th February 2019 whilst Sineh Nu'uh Ulun demonstrated how to weave a mat.

Video file

00:00:00mudeng medto teh Palug Rayeh diweh Palug I'it keyh
Palug Rayeh and Palug I'it were at home

00:00:03mey neh Palug I'it ngalap duru'
and Palug I'it went to collect some honey

00:00:06ngalap duru' berenuan
collect honey from the honey bees

00:00:10neh nieh mala
then he said

00:00:11"eyh, la'ih rayeh, Palug Rayeh"
"eh big man, Palug Rayeh"

00:00:14"nih uih la' mey ngalap duru' uih", keneh
"I'm off to get some honey", he said

00:00:16"mo, mey ko beto' ngi"
"yes, go ahead, you go today"

00:00:18"iko mey edto kinih"
"you go today"

00:00:19"uih mey edto riak", keneh
"I'll go tomorrow", he said

00:00:20mey neh Palug I'it muit bu'an nedih
and so Palug I'it went off with his basket

00:00:24muit nieh tabang nedih
and his water carrier

00:00:28mey nieh
he went

00:00:29ngalap nieh duru'
and collected some honey

00:00:32pengeh ieh nemepek ih pu'un ih terun
I guess he must have already put the spikes in

00:00:35naru' dalan mey ngi udung nawey ngi
to make a path up to the top of the nawey tree [where the bees are]

00:00:39eyh muli' la'ih neh mabeh duru' nedih
so he went back carrying his honey

00:00:41kaya'-kaya' tieh mabeh tabang bulu' nedih
weighed down by the bamboo water carrier [where he had put the honey]

00:00:48neh nieh mey ngen Palug Rayeh
then he went up to Palug Rayeh

00:00:51"eyh mula' tu'uh duru' nalap muh, Palug I'it"
"you've really collected a lot of honey, Palug I'it"

00:00:53keneh ngeneh
he said to him

00:00:55"kapeh neh kamih nuk kuma' doo' ih!"
"but you should leave it to those in their prime!"

00:00:57"doo' ayu' teh keli' kamih inan ngapeh ngalap duru'"
"we really know where to get honey from"

00:00:59keneh ngeneh keyh
he said to him

00:01:01mey periak ineh
so the next day

00:01:03neh neh Palug Rayeh mala ieh mey ngalap duru'
Palug Rayeh said he was going to collect honey

00:01:08mey ieh keyh
he went

00:01:09da'at seninget deh tieh
and he got badly stung

00:01:11aban neh da'at ileh
because he didn't know what he was doing

00:01:12senurun deh ieh
so the bees swarmed at him

00:01:14da'at neh, da'at ieh medting muli' neto'
it was bad, and it was difficult for him to get home

00:01:18aban ieh da'at seninget berenuan ih
because he had been badly stung by the bees

00:01:22pengeh ineh beruh keyh, periak ineh
after that, the next day

00:01:25mey nieh mabeh... mabeh padey ieh keneh
he went off to fetch some paddy, he said

00:01:30muit nieh bu'an nedih
and he took his basket

00:01:33muit nieh bu'an rayeh nedih
and he took his big basket

00:01:35Palug I'it sineh
this is Palug I'it

00:01:37medting ieh ngi lepo keyh
he arrived at the rice store

00:01:38neh nieh mabeh let dingi
and then he carried it back from there

00:01:40kaya'-kaya' tieh mabeh
he was struggling as he carried it

00:01:42mabeh bu'an nedih
carried his basket

00:01:44mey Palug Rayeh ngitun ieh
so Palug Rayeh asks him

00:01:46"enun binabeh muh ki-kineh?", keneh
"what did you carry that was making you struggle so much?", he said

00:01:48"oooh, dih uih mabeh... nemabeh ibal padey let ngi lepo ngina'ah", keneh
"oooh, I carried some paddy back from the rice hut just now", he said

00:01:53"mo, uih mey mengut ibal edto riak", keneh
"I'll go back and forth to carry some tomorrow", he said

00:01:56"mo", ken Palug I'it ngeneh
"ok", said Palug I'it to him

00:01:58"mey niko edto riak", keneh ngeneh
"ok, you go tomorrow", he said to him

00:02:01"mo, mageh uih mey"
"but I'll go first"

00:02:03"uih mey nipa ih ngemuh beto'"
"I'll pack the basket for you"

00:02:04ken Palug I'it ngeneh keyh
Palug I'it said to him

00:02:07"mo", keneh
"ok", he said

00:02:10"pengeh beto', kayu' la'-la' tuped edto"
"when I'm finished, at around midday"

00:02:13"kidih teh narih marih let tungey"
"then you can set off from here"

00:02:15ken Palug I'it ngen Palug Rayeh
said Palug I'it to Palug Rayeh

00:02:18mey neh Palug I'it nuduk ngi
so Palug I'it went on ahead

00:02:20neh nieh mey tudo lem bu'an ih
and went and sat in the basket

00:02:22tudo ieh lem bu'an
sat in the basket

00:02:24eyh ni'er ieh
and looked out

00:02:25metutun ieh let lem rawang bu'an ih
peeped through the gaps in the basket

00:02:31ni'er ieh Palug Rayeh let dingi
he saw Palug Rayeh coming from the distance

00:02:34lueh-lueh tieh umak irang ih
with a bent back as he struggled up the hill

00:02:37bah, medting ieh keyh
so, he arrived

00:02:39"oooh, nih bu'an nuk tu'en kuh mabeh ih terun kemuh"
"oooh, this must be the basket that I'm supposed to carry"

00:02:41"ken Palug I'it"
"that's what Palug I'it said"

00:02:42ken Palug Rayeh
said Palug Rayeh

00:02:45pengeh ineh keyh, neh nieh mabeh bu'an sineh
after that he carried that basket

00:02:48oh kidih ken Palug I'it ngeneh pu'un
oh this is what Palug I'it said to him before

00:02:50"tak narih udtu'", keneh
"if you stop", he said

00:02:52"am narih naat-naat bu'an ih", keneh ngeneh
"don't put the basket down roughly", he said to him

00:02:55"mo", keneh keyh
"ok", he said

00:02:56mey Palug Rayeh mabeh bu'an
so Palug Rayeh carried the basket

00:02:59"enun ineh neh?" am keli' ih
"what on earth is this?" he didn't know

00:03:02tu'en neh ngerereng ih
he put it down

00:03:03tu'en neh ngerereng doo'-doo' tieh
he put it down very carefully

00:03:06pengeh ineh, nalan ieh mengi
after that he carried on walking

00:03:09la' ubpo ieh keneh keyh
whenever he stopped

00:03:11neh nieh ngerereng bu'an sineh
he would put the basket down properly

00:03:13ayen-ayen tieh ngerereng ieh
he would put it down slowly and carefully

00:03:16medting ieh ngi ruma' keyh
and when he got to the house

00:03:17buro Palug I'it let lem bu'an ih
Palug I'it ran out of the basket

00:03:20"kekudeh ko ki-kineh, Palug I'it?"
"why do you have to be like that, Palug I'it?"

00:03:22keneh ngeneh
he said to him

00:03:23neh neh periak ineh beruh keyh
and then the day after that

00:03:26la' nua' tebey' Palug Rayeh terun keyh
Palug Rayeh wanted to get his own back I suppose


00:03:30neh nieh mala
so he says

00:03:31"mey ko, iko neto' mey mabeh padey nuk ketedtan ih", keneh ngeneh
"you go and carry the rest of the paddy", he said to him

00:03:34"tak narih ngerereng bu'an ih"
"if you put the basket down"

00:03:39"li'o-li'o teh rereng narih dih"
"put it down carefully"

00:03:41keneh ngen Palug I'it keyh
he said to Palug I'it

00:03:42bah, "mo", ken Palug I'it ngeneh
"ok", said Palug I'it

00:03:45mey nieh mabeh
so off he goes

00:03:47mabeh padey keneh keyh
to fetch the paddy

00:03:49medting ieh
he gets there

00:03:51awey' ieh merur
and is tired

00:03:51la' udtu' keyh
and wants to stop

00:03:52tu'en neh naat bu'an sineh
so he puts the basket down roughly

00:03:54"uuuh", keneh dingi
"ouch", came from inside

00:03:55minrengek men dingi
he let out a sudden gasp from within

00:03:57"kudeh teh bu'an sinih unih-unih?", keneh
"why is this basket making such funny noises", he [Palug I'it] wondered

00:04:01ken temipa burur ieh ngi
did he put himself inside?

00:04:02temipa burur-burur Palug Rayeh ih dingi
yes Palug Rayeh had hidden himself inside
ken temipa burur ieh ngi
did he put himself inside?

00:04:03temipa burur-burur Palug Rayeh ih dingi
yes Palug Rayeh had hidden himself inside

00:04:07mabeh neh Palug I'it ih beruh
so Palug I'it set off again

00:04:09medting ieh ngi edteh ela keyh
he got to a resting spot

00:04:11tu'en neh naat tieh
and roughly put it down again

00:04:12senaat neh nieh luun edteh tu'ed
he whacked it against a tree stump

00:04:14ma'it men keli' la'ih suk lemuang ih
and the man inside felt a lot of pain

00:04:14ma'it men keli' la'ih suk lemuang ih
and the man inside felt a lot of pain
keli' neh tebey' ieh ngi abi?
does he know that he's there?

00:04:16keli' neh tebey' terun keyh
I think he probably does know
keli' neh tebey' ieh ngi abi?
does he know that he's there?

00:04:16keli' neh tebey' terun keyh
I think he probably does know

00:04:18neh nieh
so then he says

00:04:19"dah buro nuih let dingi!"
"I'm getting out of here!"

00:04:21"ma'it tu'en muh naat", keneh keyh
"it hurt when you put me down so roughly", he said

00:04:26pengeh ineh, neh neh diweh mala beruh
after that, then the two of them say again

00:04:29"mey ngalap duru' suk ngi aping lepo ih", keneh
"let's go and collect honey from the end of the rice hut"

00:04:33"doo' teh, mula' duru' nih terun"
"good idea, there must be a lot of honey"

00:04:36ken Palug I'it beruh keyh
said Palug I'it

00:04:39"uih mey", ken Palug Rayeh
"I'll go", said Palug Rayeh

00:04:40"mo", keneh
"ok", he said

00:04:41mey neh Palug I'it
so Palug I'it went off

00:04:43sedia' nieh
and prepared

00:04:44mey bebpa' beto'
and went to the toilet

00:04:46ngemung ieh bebpa' nedih
he collected his urine

00:04:48"eyh, dih Palug Rayeh let dingi"
"hey, there's Palug Rayeh over there"

00:04:50neh nieh ngalap duru' ih keneh keyh
so he went to collect the honey

00:04:52tuten peh la'ih na'ah ih
and Palug I'it starts

00:04:54ngukit bebpa' nedih ngi dingi
to pour his urine from up above

00:04:56ni'er Palug Rayeh keyh
Palug Rayeh looked up

00:04:58buen bebpa' tidih keneh
the honey smelled of urine

00:04:59"ngudeh ko naru' uih ki-kineh, Palug I'it?" keneh
"why do you do this to me, Palug I'it?", he said

00:05:03neh neh paad sekunuh sineh ko'
so that's the end of that story

00:05:06pengeh neh men ieh nemirup bebpa' Palug I'it ih,
and he had already drunk Palug I'it's urine

00:05:09Palug Rayeh ih
Palug Rayeh

00:05:10kadi' nideh mala ieh palug rayeh kidih-kidih
so that's why they say he is always fooled the most

00:05:13kadi' nideh mala ieh palug rayeh kidih-kidih
so that's why they say he is always fooled the most
denganak tu'uh diweh neh keyh?
are they really brothers?

00:05:13denganak tu'uh diweh neh keyh?
are they really brothers?

00:05:15denganak diweh kedeh keyh
they said they were brothers
denganak tu'uh diweh neh keyh?
are they really brothers?

00:05:15denganak diweh kedeh keyh
they said they were brothers

00:05:16kadi' edteh ih pelaba meley tu'en deh malug
but one of them is very easy to trick

00:05:19kadi' tideh mala ieh Palug Rayeh
so that's why they call him Palug Rayeh [Big Fool]

00:05:22Palug I'it beto' ieh keyh
and as for Palug I'it

00:05:23mikat nieh pelugen dulun, kedeh keyh
it is difficult for him to be tricked by others