Anaak Plén

Taman Ata tells the folk story of Anaak Plén in the Pei' Aloon dialect of Sa'ban. The story is about how Anaak Plén's marries the daughter of Belalé', a thunderous god in the sky, and of how his brother fails to heed his words when out hunting. The story was recorded in Long Banga on 4th December 2017.

Video file

00:00:02nnoi éek la' aroo' si' cerita waan Bulan
now I'd like to tell a story for Bulan

00:00:09sieu hnai paat sieu bliin dua belas
today is 4th December

00:00:16jam sembilan setengah la'koe
and the time is 9.30am

00:00:19cerita noknai adalah cerita lún mraal ma'oen
this is a story told by our elders

00:00:27cerita éraat ppuu' deh
a story from our grandparents

00:00:30jadi waan éek amaai lún Sa'ban nai
but as for me, us Sa'ban here

00:00:34cerita yeh adalah éraat Kalimantan, Indon
the story is from Kalimantan, Indonesia

00:00:39jadi cerita noknai terjadi' ngaai
so this story happened there

00:00:41cerita nok aroo' ppuu' deh
the story that our grandparents told

00:00:45nok aroo' éek nynyel
that I heard

00:00:46mluen lún mraal lún Selyoo' atau lún Pei' Rieu ma'oen
our elders were the people from Selyoo' and Pei' Rieu

there was a...

00:01:05weh lún weh maa'
there was a couple

00:01:07waan anaak déeh
they had children

00:01:08anaak déeh si' raah ai, Anaak Plén adiin yeh
the oldest child was called Plén

00:01:11si' arén yeh ciek
he had a younger brother

00:01:13am éek lé' adiin hnah
I don't know his name

00:01:14pi-pi nah mataai nah taman yeh
after that his father died

00:01:17jadi Anaak Plén ngaan arén yeh, hnaan yeh
and it was just Plén, his brother and his mother

00:01:22déeh la' ma'eu déeh
they looked after themselves

00:01:23Anaak Plén nai si' lún nok wei' la'aan mai mpuet
Plén was someone who really liked to hunt

00:01:30lem si' sieu mai yeh mpuet
one day he went hunting

00:01:33papuu' nyeh si' takong
he came across a pond

00:01:36lan yeh takong noknah
he looked at that pond

00:01:39wei' breu nyeh, takong noknah
it was very beautiful, that pond

00:01:43jadi ken noon nai nén nyeh
whatever is this, he said

00:01:46lekuu' yeh iréeng takong noknah
he sat down next to the pond

00:01:48jadi am nynyaau lan yeh
not long after that, he looked up

00:01:50hlút si' anok éraat tangaai yaai
something flew down from over there

00:01:54hnoop, dii' la' noknah lah
it seemed bright and white

00:01:57hruen yeh iréeng takong ai
it landed next to the pond

00:01:59nnal yeh si' súel
he saw a girl

00:02:00aroo' yeh ngngau búel yeh
she took off her shirt

00:02:03tatook súel noknah mai lem pei' ngaai
and the girl jumped into the water

00:02:05mai yeu'
and went to bathe

00:02:06jadi am nynyaau breu
then not long after that

00:02:09éraat si' hruen yeh iréeng hna dei
another landed next to the first

00:02:13jadi súel la'toen ai dei nah arén yeh si' raah ai
the first one was the oldest

00:02:16si' weh nah
the second one

00:02:18si' arai lapat nah
the one who came next

00:02:19nah arén yeh si' nomor weh ai
she was the second child

00:02:21ingau súel noknah búel yeh
the girl took off her shirt

00:02:23tatook yeh mai yeu' lem takong ngaai
and jumped into the pond

00:02:25am nynyaau éraat si' breu
a little while later, another arrived

00:02:29hruen yeh iréeng arén yeh si' nomor weh nah dei
and landed next to her sister who was number two

00:02:32ingau yeh búel yeh
she took off her shirt

00:02:34tatook yeh mai yeu' lem takong ngaai
and jumped into the pond to bathe there

00:02:36pi am nynyaau breu
after that a little later

00:02:39nnal yeh, éraat si' si' paat ai
he saw, another arrived, number four

00:02:42hruen yeh iréeng takong ai breu
she landed next to the pond as well

00:02:45mueng-mueng dalau lanaak nah waan búel dii'
all of the siblings had a white shirt

00:02:47mueng-mueng dalau
all of them

00:02:48ingau yeh búel ai
she took off her shirt

00:02:49tatook yeh mai lem takong ngaai
and jumped into the pond

00:02:51pi nah éraat si' breu
after that, another one came

00:02:55nah si' imah ai
that's number five

00:02:56hruen yeh iréeng... ttoo' yeh iréeng arén ina dei
she landed next to her sister

00:02:59ingau yeh búel ai
took off her shirt

00:03:00tatook yeh mai lem takong ai
jumped into the pond

and bathed

00:03:03nah si' nomor imah ai
that's number five

00:03:05jadi am nynyaau breu, éraat si' breu
then not long after that, another arrived

00:03:09nah si' nomor nam ai
that's number six

00:03:11ttoo' yeh iréeng, hruen yeh iréeng arén ina dei
she came down, landed next to her sisters

00:03:14ingau yeh búel ai
she took off her shirt

00:03:15tatook yeh mai lem takong ai
and jumped into the pond

00:03:16an Anaak Plén nah nnal lem raang deh nok nam brúel nai
Plén looked at all six of them

00:03:22wei' brúel breu arén si' ciek ai
the youngest was really beautiful

00:03:23si' lapat ai
the last one

00:03:25pi mai Anaak Plén nah
so then Plén went over

00:03:27alaak yeh búel yeh ai
and picked up her shirt

00:03:28alaak yeh búel yeh ai
he picked up her shirt

00:03:29iwét yeh bréeu
and took it away

00:03:31jadi Anaak Plén nai
and this Plén

00:03:32karena yeh lún pemburu, lún mai mpuet
because he was a hunter

00:03:37aroo' yeh mapueng
he hid it

00:03:38aroo' yeh lem hloong yeh búel yeh ai, súel noknah
he put the girl's shirt in the quiver for his darts

00:03:42jadi nah nah deh lanaak nynyéen-nynyéen lem pei' nah
so the sisters are playing in the water

00:03:45yeu' lem pei' nah
bathing in the water

00:03:46pi puas arén yeh
after when the oldest sibling is happy

00:03:50pi sawai arén yeh si' raah ai yeu'
when the oldest sibling had finished bathing

00:03:52si' la'toen ina dei
the first one

00:03:53koei yeh lëu' éraat lem takong ai
she climbed out from the pond

00:03:55mai yeh lem búel yeh ai
and put on her shirt

00:03:57masok yeh mai lem búel ai
she got into her shirt

00:03:59tatook yeh mai lëu' ttaa' yaai
jumped up to go back

00:04:01hlút yeh mai lëu' ttaa' yeh, mai lëu' yaang langét yaai
and flew off into the sky

00:04:04pi, am nynyaau koei si' nomor imah nah dei
after that number five also climbed out

00:04:07masok yeh lem búel yeh
and got into her shirt

00:04:09hlút yeh mai lëu' yaang langét yaai
and flew off home into the sky

00:04:11pi... arai pi nah, mai si' nomor lau ai
afterwards, number three comes

00:04:15koei yeh breu
climbs out as well

00:04:17masok yeh lem búel yeh
gets into her shirt

00:04:18hlút mai lëu' ngaai, mai beltaa' yaai
and flys off home up into the sky

00:04:21pi éraat si' arén yeh si' nomor imah ai
after that number five arrives

00:04:27mai lem búel yeh
and puts her shirt on

00:04:29pi hlueng, tatook yeh mai beltaa' ai
when dressed, she jumped up into the sky

00:04:31hlút yeh mai ngaai
and flew away

00:04:33pi éraat arén ai si' nomor nam ai
then number six arrived

00:04:35an yeh kaap búel
she looked for her shirt

00:04:36am yeh dei
but it wasn't there

00:04:38kaap búel yeh
she looked for her shirt

00:04:38am yeh dei
but it wasn't there

00:04:39njeu' yeh
she was embarrassed

00:04:39pi yok lekuu' nyeh lah
and so she sat down

00:04:42lekuu' nyeh
she sat down

00:04:44pi imeu yeh
and said

00:04:45"ken ai ciem mapueng..."
"did one of you hide..."

00:04:46"ken ai ciem mapueng búel éek ai?"
"did one of you hide my shirt?"

00:04:50"harap ciem mraai búel ai lëu'," nyeh lah
"I hope you will give it back." she said

00:04:58pi yok keluar nah Anaak Plén ina dei
after a bit Plén came out

00:05:01mai nyeh nguei yeh
and went to join her

00:05:02"ken pah búel éek ai aroo' ceh?"
"where did you put my shirt?"

00:05:04nah súel noknah nyeh
said the girl to him

00:05:05"ooh am éek lé' búel ceh ai," nyeh
"oh I didn't see your shirt," he said

00:05:09pada hal yeh mapueng búel yeh lah
but actually he had hidden it

00:05:11pi yok, karena lún ma'oen, waan péel lún
after a bit, because people in the past used to have a loincloth

00:05:14aroo' yeh ntap péel yeh ai
he chopped off some of the loincloth

00:05:16nah aroo' súel noknah kkép lah
and the girl made it into a skirt

00:05:18eh am
oh wait

00:05:23imeu nyeh
she spoke

00:05:24nonoi nyeh:
this is what she said:

00:05:25"ndeh dei keh mapueng búel éek ai?" nyeh
"why did you hide my shirt?" she said

00:05:28nah súel noknah nyeh lah
the girl said to him

00:05:32"ooh la' éek nceh," nyeh
"I like you," he said

00:05:35"la' nceh, dei éek mapueng búel keh"
"I like you, that's why I hid your shirt"

00:05:37pi, "noon adiin ceh?"
"what is your name?"

00:05:39nah si' súel ai mitoen yeh
said the girl to him

00:05:41"Anaak Plén adiin éek nai," nyeh
"my name is Plén," he said

00:05:44"noon adiin ceh?" nyeh
"what is your name?" he said

00:05:46mitoen anaak súel noknah nyeh
he asked the girl

00:05:49"Súeng Belalé' adiin éek nai," nyeh
"my name is Súeng Belalé'," she said


00:05:58"ken kai keh la' ne'éek"
"if you like me"

00:06:01"ken parap keh ttueng..."
"can you withstand..."

00:06:02"ken parap keh menghadapi ttuen-ttuen nok an tama' ai tau pah," nyeh
"can you withstand all of the tests from my father," she said

00:06:14"parap," nyeh doi-doi
"yes, I can," he said

00:06:15"kai keh parap ai, mai ntaah," nyeh pah
"if you can, then let's go," she said

00:06:18yok alaak yeh búel ina dei
then he took the shirt

00:06:21iraai yeh búel nah si' súel ai
and gave it to the girl

00:06:22mai masok si' súel ai lem búel yeh ai
and the girl put her shirt on

00:06:25pi nah
after that

00:06:27yeh mai lem búel ai
she put her shirt on

00:06:29dei "hmat keh ne'éek," nyeh nah Anaak Plén
and said, "hold on to me," to Plén

00:06:31si' lei ai lah
the boy

00:06:32hmat yeh
he held on

00:06:33tatook déeh mai lëu' ttaa' mai yaang langét ngaai
and they jumped up into the sky

00:06:36jadi sieng daweh ngaai
so they got there

00:06:39sieng daweh wan langét ngaai ai
they got to the top of the sky

00:06:42maya' cerita lún mraal
according to the story of our elders

00:06:46taman yeh nah adalah Belalé'
her father was Belalé'

00:06:48atau pel'ét nok bum-bum dei pah
or the thunder that goes bum-bum

00:06:51nah nok taman anaak súel noknah nah
he was the father of those girls

00:06:54jadi sieng deh wan sataat ngaai
so they got to the outside area

00:06:57malaan daweh lah
and walked

00:06:58malaan daweh wan sataat ai
they walked about on the lawn

00:07:02aroo' Belalé' nah, aroo' taman si' súel ai ntok yeh lah
and Belalé', the father of the girl, struck him with lightning

00:07:06ntok yeh
he struck him

00:07:07am noon-noon yeh lah
but he was fine

00:07:09am yeh ndeh
nothing happened

00:07:11pi malaan daweh éraat si' nah
then they walked on from there

00:07:14koei daweh siin ai
and climbed up the stairs

00:07:16aroo' taman yeh ntok yeh breu
theh the father struck him again

00:07:18am tah yeh ndeh
nothing happened

00:07:19am tah yeh ndeh-ndeh
nothing happened at all

00:07:21masih wei', am noon-noon nyeh
still fine, nothing happened to him

00:07:23pi yok, koei déeh
after a while, they climbed up

00:07:25sieng déeh hmaa' ngaai
and reached the house

00:07:27pi yok imeu taman yeh nah anaak yeh
then the father spoke to his daughter

00:07:33"nai kéeh sieng?" nyeh nah anaak yeh
"have you just arrived?" he said to his daughter

00:07:36"mau," nyeh
"yes," she said

00:07:38"uem alaak bii'"
"help yourself to rice"

00:07:41"maan kéeh, pi nah amai maan," nah taman yeh lah
"eat, we've already eaten," said her father

00:07:45pi alaak anaak yeh nah bii'
then his daughter got some rice

00:07:47aroo' yeh sedia' nah noknan déeh
and prepared the side dishes

00:07:50pi maan déeh lah
so then they ate

00:07:52aroo' yeh ntok Anaak Plén nah breu
he struck Plén again

00:07:55am ndeh-ndeh nyeh
nothing happened

00:07:57pi yok imeu nah taman yeh nah Anaak Plén nah
then the father spoke to Plén

00:08:02"ooh nai naan lau éek ntuen ceh"
"this is the third time I've tested you"

00:08:06"parap nceh lah"
"you've passed"

00:08:07"am ceh noon"
"nothing has happened to you"

00:08:08"kai nonoh ai"
"since that is the case"

00:08:09"parap nceh apan éek ko' biin," nyeh lah
"you can have me as a father-in-law," he said

00:08:12pi alaak yeh ko' awan
so he took her for his wife

00:08:15jadi awan Anaak Belalé' nah dei nah Anaak Plén nah lah
Anaak Plén became the wife of Belalé's daughter

00:08:19jadi lem masa noknah dong wan langét ngaai nah Anaak Plén nah
so at that time Anaak Plén lived in the sky

00:08:25an yeh nnal arén yeh si' ciek ai wan tana' yaai
he saw his younger brother on the earth

00:08:30nnal arai wan tana' ngaai
looked down onto the earth

00:08:31waan kuu' déeh nah
the two of them had a dog

00:08:32waan kuu' mangang déeh nah
they had a hunting dog

00:08:34mai arén yeh si' ciek nah raat
so his younger brother went hunting

00:08:36an yeh mangang payau
he barked at the deer

00:08:38kuu' mangang payau
the dog barked at the deer

00:08:39am yeh parap mataai yeh
but he couldn't kill him

00:08:40am yeh parap alaak yeh
he couldn't catch him

00:08:42an yeh mangang aka
he barked at a wild boar

00:08:43kuu' mangang aka
the dog barked at the wild boar

00:08:44am yeh parap mataai yeh
but he couldn't kill him

00:08:45am yeh parap alaak yeh
he couldn't catch him

00:08:46pi yok mai arén yeh si' ciek nah raat lem si' sieu
one day his younger brother went hunting again

00:08:51yangang kuu' ai si' payau
the dog barked at a deer

00:08:54yok adiin payau noknah, an hmeu deh, payau ajúeng
the name of the deer, they say, is payau ajúeng

00:09:00payau nok lang-lang raah
the biggest deer of all

00:09:02pi tatook nah Anaak Plén nah éraat yaang langét ngaai
so Anaak Plén jumped down from the sky

00:09:08mai nyeh wan tana' nai
and came to earth

00:09:11yataai yeh payau ai lah
he killed the deer

00:09:13yataai yeh payau ai
he killed the deer

00:09:15nynyel arén yeh
his younger brother listened

00:09:17mlai ta'ang kuu' ai lah
the dog had stopped barking

00:09:19pi mai nah arén yeh nguei yeh nnal yeh
so his brother went to join him and see him

00:09:21hnah arén yeh nok alam dei
that's my long lost brother!

00:09:24seu deh alam, mataai yeh lah
they thought he had died

00:09:26pi dei tah yeh lé' arén yeh nah mluen
so then he knew his brother was still alive

00:09:28pi dei yeh mitoen arén yeh
then he asked his brother

00:09:30"ken éraat pah kah nai?" nyeh nah arén yeh
"where did you come from?" he said to his brother

00:09:32"ooh alam, mai éek mpuet alam"
"back then, I went hunting"

00:09:37pi papuu' nah nah súel lem takong
then he met a lady at the pond

00:09:40nok naan deh yeu'
where they were swimming

00:09:42aroo' yeh cerita yeh nyeh
and he told him the story

00:09:44pi nyeh, "alaak éek ko' awan nah si' lem raang deh lanaak"
then he said, "I took one of the siblings for my wife"

00:09:49"arén deh si' nomor nam ai"
"sibling number six"

00:09:51"pi mai lëu' nguei deh dong wan langét yaai nah éek nai"
"then I went back to live with them in the sky"

00:09:54nyeh dodoi nah arén yeh lah
he said to his brother

00:09:56"pi et sawaai éek nceh"
"I feel bad for you"

00:09:58"am keh parap mataai aka"
"you couldn't kill the wild boar"

00:09:59"am keh parap mataai payau"
"you couldn't kill the deer"

00:10:00"dei ne'éek arai mataai yeh nceh," nyeh
"so I came to kill it for you," he said

00:10:02pi-pi nah, pi déeh mataai nah
after that, when they had killed it

00:10:07aroo' Anaak Plén neluwét payau ai mai wan atau ai
Anaak Plén dragged the deer onto a rock

00:10:10aroo' yeh luwét payau mai wan atau ai
he dragged the deer onto a rock

00:10:12irang yeh wan atau ai
he put it on the rock

00:10:14utak nah taam la' mapaa' anok nai
if we want to slice this thing open

00:10:17mesti an taam tebirieng yeh lah
we need to put it on its side

00:10:19an déeh tebirieng yeh wan atau ai
so they put it on its side on the rock

00:10:21pi-pi aroo' yeh tebirieng
and after putting it on the side

00:10:23aroo' yeh mapaa' yeh
he sliced it open

00:10:24aroo' yeh luwat nah sen'ai yeh éraat lem atak yeh
he removed the intestines from the stomach

00:10:30bentuah raah yeh, sen'ai adiek yeh mai wan atau ai
his stomach and his small intestine onto the rock

00:10:35pi-pi noknah
after that

00:10:36aroo' yeh mapaa' payau ai
he sliced open the deer

00:10:40aroo' yeh ncéel mueng-mueng wang yeh lah
and cut all the meat from the bones

00:10:43alaak mueng-mueng wang ai
he got all the meat

00:10:45pi alaak wang yeh nah
and after getting the meat

00:10:46si leu', adiin leu' noknah leu' plook
there is a bamboo called "plook"

00:10:50adiek leu' noknah nah
that bamboo is really small

00:10:51raah atang sigret nah leu' noknah nah
that bamboo is the size of a cigarette

00:10:53mungkin adiek éraat noknai leu' ai lah
the bamboo is probably smaller than this

00:10:56alaak yeh weh awaa' leu'
he got two pieces of bamboo


00:10:59pi yeh alaak leu' nah
after he got the bamboo

00:11:00alaak yeh wang payau ina dei
he got the deer meat

00:11:01aroo' yeh menpa mueng-mueng
and put all of it inside

00:11:03brieng wang payau loe' nah mai lem leu' nok weh nah
all of the deer meat went into the two bamboos

00:11:06weh leu' aroo' yeh
he filled two bamboos

00:11:07pi aroo' yeh mahaang-mahaang-mahaang nueng leu' ai lah
and he filled them up to the top

00:11:10pi-pi nah, idúet yeh mai lem kaang arén yeh
after that he put them in his brother's hunting bag

00:11:15aroo' yeh mai lem kaang arén yeh
he put them in his brother's bag

00:11:17pi yeh menpa kaang arén yeh nah
and after he had packed his brother's bag

00:11:20pi, dúel yeh wan atau ai nonoi ddúet
then he stood on the rock like this

00:11:23dúel yeh wan atau nonoi ddúet
he stood on the rock like this

00:11:30pei'yúet yeh lah
he did a wee

00:11:31pei'yúet yeh mai pei' ngaai pei'
he did a wee across the river

00:11:32si' atau pei' ngaai pei'
there was a rock on the other side of the river

00:11:33pei'yúet yeh mai pei' ngaai pei' nah
and he did a wee across the river

00:11:35pelapa atau nah si' pei'yúet yeh lah
and his wee went right through the rock

00:11:38karena amai lei nai pei'yúet
because us men wee

00:11:41utak yeh pu'uen pei'yúet, memang adieu tok nah
when he starts to wee, it goes a long way

00:11:44tau ai dei yeh la' brieng pei'yúet
then later when he'd almost finished

00:11:47hruek-hruek-hruek nyeh nonoi ddúet
there were just a few drops left

00:11:49jadi pei' nok naan déweh alaak payau nah
so the river where the two of them caught the deer

00:11:53Pei' Pa'a adiin yeh
is called Pa'a river

00:11:55Pei' Pa'a adiin nah
it's called Pa'a river

00:11:57pi nah aroo' yeh lataat arén yeh nah
then he advised his brother

00:12:03hmeu yeh nah arén yeh:
he said to his brother

00:12:05"mai ceh lëu', mai ceh lëu',"
"go home and when you go home"

00:12:08"sieng keh hmaa' ngaai tau"
"when you get home"

00:12:12"nsúek hnaa' nliit si' pén"
"ask mum to roll out a mat"

00:12:16"dei tah keh mroop payau ai éraat lem leu' ai"
"then you can tip the deer out of the bamboo"

00:12:19"wang payau ai"
"the deer meat"

00:12:20"pi kaweh mroop wang payau ai éraat lem leu' ai tau"
"and after you two have got the meat out of the bamboo"

00:12:22"an keh bagi' mueng-mueng yeh nah lún awéeng," nyeh lah
"share it with everyone in the village," he said

00:12:26"an keh bagi' mueng-mueng nah lún awéeng"
"share it all with the people in the village"

00:12:28"pi nai tau hom"
"so after that"

00:12:32"kai keh wei' nynyel anok on éek nai tau"
"if you listen to what I have told you"

00:12:35"mai keh raat tau"
"when you go hunting"

00:12:39"arai nah éek ngaan keh mataai aka nceh," nyeh peh
"I'll come and kill the wild boar for you," he said

00:12:42"tok hnau keh si' hmeu éek nai"
"remember what I told you"

00:12:45nyeh nah arén yeh lah
he said to his brother

00:12:47pi, pi yeh imeu nah arén yeh
afterwards, he spoke to his brother

00:12:50"mai ne'éek lëu' hom," nyeh
"I'm off now," he said

00:12:53manah nah arén yeh lah, "mai keh"
and his brother said

00:12:54"mai keh"
"ok then"

00:12:55"mai ne-éek lëu',"
"I'm off now"

00:12:56"ayiin-ayiin keh mai lëu',"
"get home safely"

00:12:58"iim seu'-seu' si' aliin"
"don't stop on the way"

00:13:00"iim luwat-luwat kaang payau keh nai"
"don't open your bag with the deer in"

00:13:01"sieng keh hmaa' ngaai"
"when you get home"

00:13:02"dei teh keh luwat yeh," nyeh nah arén yeh lah
"then you can open it," he said to his brother

00:13:04"mau," nah arén yeh pi
"ok," said his brother

00:13:06tatook Anaak Plén, nah arén yeh si' raah nah, mai lëu'
Anaak Plén, the older brother, jumped back home

00:13:09nonoi yeh nnal yeh mai lëu' beltaa' ngaai lah
he watched him like this as he went back up high

00:13:11pi, pi nah, malaan nah arén si' ciek ai
after that the younger brother set off

00:13:15am éek le' adiin arén yeh si' ciek ai
I don't know the name of the younger brother

00:13:17malaan arén yeh si' ciek ai
his younger brother set off

00:13:20"ken mai pah wang payau loe' nai aroo' lei hnah?" nyeh
"where did he put all that deer meat?", he wondered

00:13:25"am tah éek lé' yeh wét yeh mai lëu' ina"
"I didn't see him take it with him"

00:13:27an yeh ndieng kaang yeh, pel'an
he picked his bag up, light

00:13:29aben yeh noknah, pel'an
he carried it, light

00:13:30pi yok malaan-malaan yeh mai ngaai
and then he walked back home

00:13:33sieng yeh si' ngaai dei
he walked for a while

00:13:34apan yeh kaang yeh
then he took his bag

00:13:35an yeh nnal yeh
and looked in it

00:13:36am nok lem kaang yeh
there was nothing in his bag

00:13:37leu' ciek nok weh nah lem kaang ai lah
only the two small bamboos were in his bag

00:13:39"ken mai pah wang payau nai aroo' yeh?"
"where did he put all the meat?"

00:13:42"laai-laai raah payau nai ina," nyeh lah
"the deer was so huge!" he said

00:13:45"laai-laai raah wang payau nai ina"
"there was so much meat earlier"

00:13:48"raah payau nai ina"
"the deer was huge"

00:13:49"mai pah nah wang nok loe' nah aroo' yeh?"
"where did he put all the meat?"

00:13:51am pi sawaai yeh dei
he wasn't satisfied

00:13:53aroo' yeh luwat kaang yeh ai
he emptied the contents of his bag

00:13:55yok alaak yeh leu' nok ina dei lah
then he took the bamboos

00:13:58alaak yeh leu' nok ina dei
he took the bamboos

00:13:59inaat yeh ahaang yeh nah
he pulled the top off

00:14:01aroo' yeh mroop-mroop yeh, hroop
he banged the bamboo against a surface

00:14:03hroop-hroop a' wang payau ai tangaai
and all the deer meat came out

00:14:05hroop-hroop wang payau
all the deer meat came out

00:14:06hnoo' lem si' abéek
until the drain was full

00:14:08hnoo' lem si' abéek dei
the drain was full

00:14:10pi alaak yeh wang payau yeh
then he picked up the deer meat

00:14:12an yeh ntal yeh mai lëu' lem leu' ai
and tried to pack it back into the bamboo

00:14:13am yeh paji mai
but it wouldn't fit

00:14:14pi yok mangai nyeh lah
so then he cried

00:14:17mangai nyeh
he cried

00:14:19pi-pi nah, imeu arén yeh nyeh
then his brother spoke to him

00:14:21imeu arén yeh éraat ttaa' nyeh
his brother spoke to him from up high

00:14:23"dei ne'éek madei' ceh wei'-wei' ina"
"that's why I told you very clearly before"

00:14:26"iim luwat-luwat"
"don't open it"

00:14:27"iim mraang kaang keh"
"don't put your bag down"

00:14:28"iim luwat kaang keh si' aliin"
"don't open your bag on the way"

00:14:30"sieng ngaai tau ai"
"when you get home"

00:14:31"nsúek naa' nliit si' pén"
"ask mum to roll out a mat"

00:14:33"tau dei kéeh luwat yeh"
"then you can open it"

00:14:34"ne'éek nceh ina"
"that's what I said to you earlier"

00:14:35"am keh nynyel"
"you didn't listen"

00:14:37"pi pat nai, nai nah pat taah papuu' hom"
"so this is the last time we will meet"

00:14:40"am nok parap arai tolong ceh lem anok on pat nah"
"no-one will be able to come and help you after this"

00:14:44"nai nah pat taah papuu'," nyeh
"this is the last time we will meet," he said

00:14:45nah nah pi lah
that's the end

00:14:47nah nah hmeu arén yeh nyeh
that was what his brother said to him

00:14:49pi yok, malaan yeh mai lëu'
then he went home

00:14:51dei parap nok aben yeh mai lëu'
and only what he could carry home

00:14:54nah aben yeh mai lëu'
is what he took home

00:14:56jadi pat nah cerita noknah
so that's the end of the story

00:15:00payau nok irang yeh wan atau ina dei
the deer that he put on the rock

00:15:04yeh nok tebirieng nah dei
the one he put on its side

00:15:06dei bekas nyeh payau noknah
there are still marks of that deer

00:15:08bentuah nok aroo' yeh luwat ina dei
the liver that he cut out

00:15:10mai sen'ai ina dei
and the intestines

00:15:12dei bekas yeh wan atau noknah
you can see marks where they were on the rock

00:15:14nok naan Anaak Plén nok dúel ina dei
and the place where Anaak Plén was standing

00:15:17dei tah naan kuet yeh wan atau noknah
the mark of his foot is there on the rock

00:15:21sieng lem masa nnoi
until today

00:15:26jadi nonoi ddúet cerita noknah
so that's the story

00:15:28nai cerita lún Pei' Rieu ataupun lún Selyoo'
this is a story from Pei' Rieu or Selyoo'

00:15:34satu bangsa nok ciek
a small tribe

00:15:36jadi cerita noknah, sieng pat nah yeh
so that's the end of the story