Pun Winnie talks about harvesting in the Sa'ban language. She explains some of the customs that people adopted in the past, including the practice of communal work where people would take it in turns to work on each other's farms. The discussion was recorded in Long Banga on 7th March 2019.
yes, so people went to harvest in the past
and they worked together
like us today
we were very small then
I don't really know what they did
what little I know
I already told you
they took it in turns to work on each other's farms
"oh let's go to so-and-so's farm today," they say
and they then would go to that farm
they work on that farm
then they would cook rice in the bamboo
they would drink
like making rice wine
they would drink
when they came back from the farm in the afternoon
they would drink
the next day
"let's go to this farm"
"it's so-and-so's turn today," they say
so they go to that farm
so that's what they did
they made rice in the bamboo
and they drank
so that's what we Sa'ban were like in the past
that's what we Sa'ban used to do
but I was young
I don't really know much about that
the Japanese War that people talk about
I also don't know about that
I don't know
I was really young, you know