School in the Past

Caleena Lallang Sakai discusses going to school in the Long Lellang dialect of Kelabit. She describes walking from Long Lellang to Bario in order to go to school and discusses her memories of the first time she went to town in Marudi. The recording was made in Bario on 10th February 2019.

Video file


00:00:03uih la' mala kapeh ayu' keduih nemarih sekolah malem neh
I want to talk about how I came to school before

00:00:08pu'un-pu'un malem, memang kamih mudeng bawang Long Lellang
in the beginning, we lived in Long Lellang

00:00:12edteh bawang nuk pelaba mado
a village that was very far away

00:00:15ngi nangey na'am inan sekolah medting kelas enem
there there wasn't a school up to primary six

00:00:19adi' neh kamih paksa marih ngi Bario nih
so we were forced to come to Bario here

00:00:25let kelas satu medting kelas epat
from primary one to primary four

00:00:29kamih sekolah ngi bawang Long Lellang neh
we went to school in Long Lellang

00:00:33pengeh kelas epat neh mesti teh kamih bubuh marih tungey
after primary four we had to move here

00:00:37uih ngelinuh pulu' laak tupu teh umur kamih nih
I think we were just 10 then

00:00:41kamih nalan
we walked

00:00:43pu'un-pu'un kamih la' marih
the first time we came

00:00:45kayu' ineh tupu teh lun uwan kamih, tetameh, edteh lun merar lah marih mated kamih
that was the only time that our parents or fathers or one of the elders accompanied us

00:00:50mated kamih
accompanied us

00:00:52tapi kamih anak sendiri mabeh dikamih barang sendiri lah
but we children carried our own stuff

00:00:57tak narih ngelinuh
if I think about it

00:01:00pelaba meto' dereh narih nekap sekolah
we really suffered going to school

00:01:04nalan kamih
we walked

00:01:06let Long Lellang kamih mey Long Labid
from Long Lellang we went to Long Labid

00:01:13rudap neh kamih lem pulung ineh neh
we slept in the forest for that one

00:01:17medting Long Labid
to get to Long Labid

00:01:18neh dueh ebpa' merar tu'en kamih guta
we had to cross two big rivers

00:01:21Pa' Long Lellang, Pa' Tutoh, Pa' Labid
Long Lellang river, Tutoh river, Labid river

00:01:28teluh, teluh nih
so that's three

00:01:29temidteh ih, tak beto' ebpa' nih rayeh
sometimes, if the river was high

00:01:33mesti ayu' teh kamih mey
we had to go across

00:01:36inan anak dela'ih nuk doo' merar ih keyh
there were some boys who were tall

00:01:40ideh muit babeh luun uluh dedih guta ebpa' neh
they carried our bags on their heads as they crossed the river

00:01:44kamih anak-adi' nuk madi', dedtur ih
us children who were smaller, the girls

00:01:47am men kamih kereb lemangui, kail tu'uh lemangui
we couldn't really swim well

00:01:51tu'en deh naru' neh, ngabet neh kayu' wey
they would tie something like rottan

00:01:54let edteh kayuh iring ebpa' tengeb sinih mey pedingi
from a tree on one side to the other

00:02:01perepimet ngen ena', neh neh kamih... war....
holding onto the vine

00:02:06neh neh kamih mey guta ebpa' neh
we went across the river

00:02:09rayeh men to' ineh keyh
it was very high you know

00:02:10let ineh neh kamih nalan neh kamih beruh let ineh
from there we would walk again

00:02:14mey neh kamih Long A'ar kedeh ngen sineh
we went to Long A'ar as they call it

00:02:17lem pulung tineh beruh inan kamih rudap
that's also in the forest, where we sleep

00:02:20inan meto' daan da'at-da'at tu'en deh lah lem ineh neh
there were also some temporary huts there

00:02:24pekatu men lemulun sakai nalan maya' dalan sineh
there are also people or visitors using this path

00:02:28let ngineh neh kamih mey ngi edteh ruma'
from there we went to a longhouse

00:02:31Pa Tik kedeh ngineh
they called it Pa Tik

00:02:33neh edteh bawang nuk leng muneng ngen kamih
that's one of the closest village to us

00:02:37let Pa Tik kamih mey bawang Kuba'an
from Pa Tik we go to Kuba'an village

00:02:42let Kuba'an kamih, rudap teh kamih lem pulung beruh
from Kuba'an we slept in the forest again

00:02:45Long Semirang kedeh ngen ridtu' ineh
they call that spot Long Semirang

00:02:48edteh teh ebpa' Kuba'an neh, rayeh
there's another big river near Kuba'an

00:02:50tu'en kamih guta beruhman
we have to cross that as well

00:02:52let ngineh neh kamih temuked Pengepawan
from there we have to climb up the Pengepawan ridge

00:02:59remuru neh kamih
and when we come down again

00:03:01dih teh kamih medting ngi sekolah
then we have arrived at school

00:03:02kinayu' kamih
that's what we did

00:03:03ken mikat kamih nemarih sekolah malem
that's how difficult it was for us to go to school

00:03:06mudeng, rudap lem ngi ruma' sekolah neh kamih
we lived and slept at the school

00:03:10edteh ruka tupu teh kamih muli' lem edteh laak
we only went home once in a year

00:03:15pu'un-pu'un keduih malem
at first for me

00:03:18murih nangey teh narih
I used to cry often

00:03:19da'at iat narih ngelinuh lun uwan narih lah
I felt sad thinking of my parents

00:03:21la' muli' neh kamih
we longed to go home

00:03:23am men teh kamih kereb muli'
but we couldn't go home

00:03:24mado men to' men
it was very far

00:03:26dueh laak kamih tudo nginih
two years we stayed here

00:03:29pengeh kamih kelas enem nginih
and after primary six here

00:03:31dih teh kamih bubuh mey ngi Marudi neh
we moved to Marudi

00:03:34pu'un-pu'un narih mey ngi Marudi
the first time I went to Marudi

00:03:36neh neh narih mey lem bandar keyh
was the first time I was in a town

00:03:42eyh pelaba beken keli' narih
it was so different to me

00:03:44na'am teh kamih ni'er... ninger kerita teh narih
I hadn't seen or heard cars before

00:03:48ni'er gaber tupu
I'd just seen pictures

00:03:50na'am narih keli' kapeh ayu' pudut kerita
I didn't really know what a car looked like

00:03:53iih lem sekolah lah iih
in school

00:03:55medting narih ngi nangey
I got there

00:03:56gagap teh narih ni'er nuk ineh
and I was so shocked to see them

00:03:58ta'ut teh narih maya' dih
I was scared to get in a car

00:04:00pu'un-pu'un kamih mey
when we first went

00:04:03na'am ena' kamih, na'am teh kasut kamih
we didn't have any shoes

00:04:06eyh medting nangey
we got there

00:04:08nalan luun batuh cemen ih
and walked on the cement road

00:04:10eyh lau'
it was so hot

00:04:12doo' meto' guru' rayeh kamih
but our headmaster was very kind

00:04:14lun enun ieh?
where was he from?

00:04:16orang putih lah, let England
from England I think

00:04:19ieh neh mey mated kamih mey belih selipar ngen kamih
he was the one who took us to buy flip flops

00:04:26tak kamih nalan, patur teh kamih
if we walked, we walked in one line

00:04:29neh ieh mala
and then he said

00:04:30"na'am narih patur, tedueh-tedueh narih keyh," keneh
"don't walk in a line, walk two by two," he said

00:04:33ta'ut men narih kan
we were scared

00:04:35ta'ut neni'er kerita laba, motorsikal
scared by all the passing cars, the motorbikes

00:04:38ta'ut kamih
we were scared

00:04:39tapi neh iuk-iuk...
but after a while...

00:04:42adi' neh narih mala nepekaa' ulun kamih
that's why I say our life has really changed

00:04:46tak uih ni'er kayu' kinih
if I look at things today

00:04:49mungkin kayu' tama' dedih malem the first generation
if was our fathers who were the first generation

00:04:53kamih nih nomor dueh teh kamih
and we are the second

00:04:56anak kamih neh suk keteluh
our children are the third

00:04:59tak narih ni'er
if I look at it

00:05:00piuk ulun lem ulun kamih lun Kelabit lah
life has really improved for us Kelabit

00:05:06pelaba saget dih pekaa' lah
and it's changed really quickly

00:05:10ley' ko ngelinuh kayu' ngen tetepuh kudih ngilad
if you think about my grandparents in the past

00:05:13Tepu' Mured dedih malem
Tepu' Mured and others

00:05:16ideh neh pu'un-pu'un
they were the first

00:05:18am teh kedideh anak Kristen
they weren't Christian then

00:05:21pengeh neh, dih Tama' dedih
after that came my father and his generation

00:05:23ineh tideh masuk lem era Kristen
they were the ones who became Christians

00:05:28anak tama' nih neh kekamih=
we are the children of my father

00:05:30kesu neh kamih nih senaru' neh mey sekolah
he immediately sent us to school

00:05:34nih neh dikamih anak nih
and as for our children

00:05:36ngapeh neto' na'am inan deh
they are everywhere now

00:05:37edteh teh nuk duih ngi Australia
one of mine is in Australia

00:05:39edteh teh duih ngi Kuwait
there's one in Kuwait

00:05:40edteh teh duih ngi Kuala Lumpur, kerja ieh nangey
and there's one in Kuala Lumpur, working there

00:05:43kadi' nuih mala
so that's why I say

00:05:45saget iuk pekaa' kamih lun Kelabit nih lah
so that's why I say our life has changed and improved so quickly
