Traditional Weaving - Part 2

Sineh Nu'uh Ulun and Florance Lapu Apu demonstrate how to weave a mat using the Remudu and Bario dialects of Kelabit. In this recording, they discuss making mats in the past. The recording was made in Bario on 11th February 2019.

Video file

00:00:00tak muyuh naru' epin ngilad
if you made mats in the past

00:00:02tuleng kapeh muyuh naru'-naru' epin?
at what time did you make them?

00:00:06renga' inan masa teh narih
when you have the time

00:00:09dih ko inan belawang muh keyh
when you have free time

00:00:11dih niko naru'
then you do it

00:00:13awey' muyuh naru' dih renga' muyuh la' lati' kekuh keyh?
don't you do it when you want to start farming?

00:00:16la' ranih, kayu' ineh keyh?
or you want to harvest? like that?

00:00:18mo, tak ko nuk la' ranih keyh
yeah, if you want to start harvesting

00:00:21am, nuk teh sinih nih keyh
no, it's like this

00:00:24tak ko doo' belawang keyh
if you are free

00:00:26naru', taru'-taru' teh narih
just go ahead and do it

00:00:29am ieh na'it tiko ranih
it doesn't have to be when you're harvesting

00:00:30am na'it ko lati'
it doesn't have to be when you're planting

00:00:33tu'en narih ripun nideh keyh
you just keep them


00:00:37dih inan muh doo' belawang
then when you are free

00:00:39naru' neh narih
you can do it

00:00:40kineh tieh
just like that


00:00:42tak beto' labo i'eyk ngetep deh ngilad ko'?
and if rats ate it in the past?


00:00:46tu'en muyuh ngudeh nidih?
what do you do with it?

00:00:47neh nideh lemulun nuk doo' kenail
those people who are hard working
tu'en muyuh ngudeh nidih?
what do you do with it?

00:00:48neh nideh lemulun nuk doo' kenail
those people who are hard working

that's a problem

00:00:52limeh lulun, merar dideh lun ibal ih
five rolls [of mat], some people had really big ones

00:00:55en deh ripun
and they just keep them

00:00:57iuk-iuk keyh labo nuk kuman deh
and then after some time the rats eat them

00:01:01pengeh ineh tu'en muyuh ngudeh nidih?
after that, what do you do with them?

00:01:03mey muyuh ngalap si'it kaber beruh?
do you go and get some more pendanus?


tu'en muyuh ngudeh nidih, ken muyuh?
what do you do with it?

00:01:07tu'en muyuh ngudeh nidih, ken muyuh?
what do you do with it?

00:01:09mey narih ngalap kaber keyh
you go and get some pendanus

00:01:11en narih nuk beruh ih tu'en muh ripun men
and you keep the new ones as well

00:01:15na'am, renga' labo i'eyk ngetep ih kekuh?
no, if the rats eat them?

00:01:17ngetep epin ih?
eat the mats?

00:01:20nga' deh ngetep ih keyh
if they eat it

00:01:22kereb tu'en narih mubpul ih
you can patch it up

00:01:24iih mubpul
yeah, patch it up

00:01:25nii' kedeh nginih
they call it "nii',"
iih mubpul
yeah, patch it up

00:01:26nii' kedeh nginih
they call it "nii',"

00:01:26nii' kedeh nginih
they call it "nii',"
nii' kedeh ngidih
yes they call it "nii',"

00:01:28nii' kedeh nginih
they call it "nii',"

00:01:28nii' lem kinan dih keyh
they mend the bit that was eaten


00:01:33am karuh beken tu'en muyuh renga' muyuh nii' neh?
is there another word for it when you mend?

00:01:37nii' tupu tieh?
or is it just nii'?

00:01:38mo, nii'
yes, nii'

00:01:40suk nga' apo ratan ih keyh
the one when the roof is leaking

00:01:44ngeluu' kedeh ngen sineh
they call that "ngeluu',"

00:01:45ngeluu' kedeh ngen sineh
they call that "ngeluu',"
ngeluu' teh kedeh ngen sineh
they call that one "ngeluu',"

00:01:45ngeluu' teh kedeh ngen sineh
they call that one "ngeluu',"

ngeluu' teh kedeh ngen sineh
they call that one "ngeluu',"

00:01:47ngeluu' teh kedeh ngen sineh
they call that one "ngeluu',"

00:01:47awey' deh ngeluu' epin ih kekuh
do they not use ngeluu' for mending mats?


00:01:50nii' kedeh ngen ena' ngen epin nih
they say nii' when mending mats

00:01:53nii' kedeh ngen epin ih
they use the word nii' for mending mats

00:01:54iiih nii'
yes nii'
nii' kedeh ngen epin ih
they use the word nii' for mending mats

00:01:55iiih nii'
yes nii'
ngeluu' kedeh ngen apo ih
and they use the word ngeluu' for the roof

00:01:55ngeluu' kedeh ngen apo ih
and they use the word ngeluu' for the roof


00:01:58"ooh naru' enun ko?" kedeh
"ooh what are you doing?" they ask

00:02:01"toooi nih neh labo kuman epin kudih," keneh
"rats have eaten my mat," someone says

00:02:06"nih uih nii' dih," kedeh keyh
"now I'm mending it," they say

00:02:08"nih uih nii' dih," kedeh keyh
"now I'm mending it," they say


00:02:09neh nideh nuk mubpul ih
the ones who patch it up

00:02:11mo, mubpul
yes, mending

00:02:12naru' nginih tupu doo' teh
just put them here, that's fine

00:02:13nuk ih suk belaan deh mubpul ih keyh...
when they say "mubpul" is...
naru' nginih tupu doo' teh
just put them here, that's fine

00:02:14nuk ih suk belaan deh mubpul ih keyh...
when they say "mubpul" is...

00:02:15nuk ih suk belaan deh mubpul ih keyh...
when they say "mubpul" is...
nun ih, mubpul kelibung?
what, patching clothes?

00:02:15nun ih, mubpul kelibung?
what, patching clothes?

00:02:16nuk kelibung ih
is with clothes
nun ih, mubpul kelibung?
what, patching clothes?

00:02:17nuk kelibung ih
is with clothes

00:02:18tak kelibung rerak ih
if clothes are torn

00:02:20neh nideh mubpul ih
then they patch them up

00:02:24epin ih keyh, nii' ayu' teh kedeh ngen epin
for mats, they say nii'

00:02:28lun merar ngilad
our elders in the past

00:02:30kapeh muyuh ngalap kaber inih?
how do you collect this pendanus?

00:02:33ken ngalap nuk mangud ih muyuh doo', kapeh?
do you collect the young ones or what?

00:02:36nuk apeh nuk doo' tu'en muyuh nenganuh?
which ones are good for weaving?

00:02:37eyh nuk tera tu-tu'uh keyh, nuk ineh
the ones that are old, those ones
nuk apeh nuk doo' tu'en muyuh nenganuh?
which ones are good for weaving?

00:02:39eyh nuk tera tu-tu'uh keyh, nuk ineh
the ones that are old, those ones

00:02:42ngalap nuk doo' kerib men to' narih
pick the ones that are just right

00:02:45am tieh nuk mangud ketuh doo' men
the very young ones are also not good


00:02:50naru' tupu ieh nginih to'
just put it here for now

00:02:50nuk doo'-doo'
the good ones
naru' tupu ieh nginih to'
just put it here for now

00:02:51naru' tupu ieh nginih to'
just put it here for now

00:02:52doo' tiko naru' sengi beruh
you should do those ones as well

00:02:55am tiko buro-buro let ngineh ih
don't move from there

00:02:57iko teh suk la' tu'en ngaber ih kemuh
you are the one she wants to film

00:03:01buro peh keduih, doo' teh kedi'it
if I move it's fine

00:03:12tooi ku ngilad, Lapu
in the past, Lapu

00:03:14nih tu'en narih ngilad
this is what we used to do

00:03:17ta'on, kamih lun merar
us poor old folks

00:03:21muyuh anak nuk inih teh nuk na'am nenaru' ih
you young people are the one who have never done this

00:03:25nganeh dih terun, at mukul deh
it's probably because they are lazy

00:03:28mo, at teh mukul deh keyh
yes, they are lazy

00:03:30am tideh suk la' belajar ih
and they don't want to learn

00:03:32kadi' tuih mala am tebuut teh anak keruih
that's why I say my children don't at all

00:03:35Senabu' Madelin dih teh doo'
Madelin is good

00:03:37ngalap tu'uh ih
she picked it up

00:03:40naru' teh kedieh neh epin
she does make mats

00:03:46naru' bakul nih, ta'on ieh
she makes baskets, poor thing

00:03:51eyh kuwa-kuwa
oh dear

00:03:53leng-leng-leng da'at ih neh belih epin ngilad
it was really bad selling mats in the past

00:03:59tak lun Pa Mada, lun Pa Dalih
people from Pa Mada and Pa Dalih

00:04:03belih epin kamih Remudu tideh
they bought mats from us in Remudu

00:04:07a'am inih ngen lun bawang beken ih keyh
no other villages had them

00:04:13Remudu tupu teh inan midih sinih
Remudu was the only place that had them

00:04:24neh iko ngudeh ih?
now you're doing what?

00:04:26nih ngurak ih
this is cutting them

00:04:27naru' ieh kinih-kinih
to make them like this

00:04:30neh nenganuh ih ano'
and then you weave it later


00:04:35beken teh tu'en Tepu' kedieh dih ngilad ko'
the way my mum did it in the past was different

00:04:39tu'en neh kinih tidih ngi kukud nedih
she put it like this between her toe

tu'en neh kinih tidih ngi kukud nedih
she put it like this between her toe

00:04:41enun ih suk kineh ih beruh?
what is that one?

00:04:42tu'en deh ngurak
that's cutting it into strips

00:04:45nih dih
this is it

00:04:46en muh ngurak dih keyh
if you cut it

00:04:48da'at teh paad deh men
it's not very even

00:04:50kadi' keduih la'...
that's why I like...

00:04:52en deh ngurak deh nih
they cut it like this

00:04:54ngurak deh kinih keyh
they cut them like this

like this


00:05:01naru' kinih nidih
do it like this

00:05:08oh at paad deh
oh you mean they're not even

00:05:09renga' naru' deh kineh ih kemuh?
if you do it like that?


00:05:12at paad dih
it's not even

00:05:19kadi' teh epin ibal ngilad keyh
that's why for some people's mats in the past

00:05:23kura neh ibal keyh, dari neh ibal
some [strips] were thick and others thin


00:05:30nga' deh naru' ih ki-kineh ih
when they do it like this